Declutter Therapy 3 Upcoming Courses

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Declutter Therapy have 3 Upcoming Courses that will Improve your productivity and wellbeing.


The Declutter Academy Certified Professional Training is a leading-edge, tried-and-tested decluttering approach that is designed to create freedom in all layers and levels of your life, beyond your wardrobe, home and workspace!

This live, in-person course in Ireland teaches you the three essential elements so you can do what you love and transform living spaces and lives with confidence and ease:

  1. YOURSELF: Master the art of decluttering and organising and put the heart back into your wardrobe and home
  2. OTHERS: Implement what you’ve learned to help friends and family or paid clients and transform their lives
  3. CAREER: Build a meaningful business that inspires and rewards you

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This 100% online course gives you access to all the incredible training content online, including 50+ amazing toolkit aids! Complete the training in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace and around your own time and schedule.

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Understand the essentials for successful personal and professional decluttering.



You will understand the core aspects for successful decluttering of your own wardrobe, home and workspace:

  • Avoid most common personal decluttering mistakes, pitfalls and timewasters
  • Uncover key personal decluttering skills, knowledge and tools
  • Lay pathways to greatest personal decluttering success
  • Ensure lasting, long term results with personal decluttering
  • Reap benefits from personal decluttering that impact every area of life


You will understand the core aspects for successful decluttering of your client’s wardrobe, home and workspace:

  • Navigate biggest professional decluttering untruths, misunderstandings and misconceptions in the media and decluttering industry
  • Discover the most critical blocks and obstacles that prevent people decluttering
  • Recognise how to approach effective, efficient decluttering services and decluttering business
  • Uncover the ways to ensure satisfied clients who recommend your professional services
  • Discover what a building a rewarding decluttering career entails
  • Learn more

Improve your productivity and wellbeing with Declutter Therapy.

Sharing a uniquely-holistic approach to decluttering since 2010, leading decluttering expert Breda Stack of Declutter Therapy and The Declutter Therapist is founder of Ireland’s National Declutter Day and International Declutter Day and author of Declutter Therapy. A regular contributor to TV, radio and print media, Breda is a professional decluttering trainer and mentor and a consultant on the decluttering industry to charities, organisations and lifestyle brands.

Wellbeing through decluttering is at the heart of Breda’s therapy. Specialising in the often-complex and sensitive emotional aspect of decluttering, she teaches and inspires students all around the world to help their clients declutter and “LET IT GO” so they can enjoy freedom and peace of mind.

Breda’s varied professional training and experience includes the areas of Media and Communications, IT, Quality Assurance, Project Management, Training, Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Writing, Editing, Speaking, Reiki, Style Consultancy and Interior Design. In following her own Declutter Therapy teachings, Breda also now works as an Intuitive Artist.

whole-life decluttering philosophy, Breda shares everything she has learned, both personally and professionally, about letting go and its power to transform through her live and online The Declutter Academy Professional Training Certification.

Declutter Therapy is an internationally-registered modality and The Declutter Academy is an internationally-registered trainer with the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.

Steven Galvin

Dunboyne College Open Night