International Literacy Day

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Today, September 8th, marks International Literacy Day, a global event founded by UNESCO to highlight the importance of literacy as a fundamental human right and force for personal and societal empowerment.

Literacy represents much more than just the ability to read and write. It empowers people to engage civically, secure better livelihoods, understand health information, and gain knowledge that uplifts entire communities. Literacy also fosters creativity, connection, independent thinking, and self-expression.

Yet hundreds of millions still lack basic literacy skills. Achieving inclusive, equitable literacy education for all individuals represents an ongoing challenge worldwide.

On International Literacy Day, we celebrate the progress made while reaffirming commitments to do more. Investing in literacy-focused education and training creates dividends across all aspects of society.

Everyone can play a role in championing literacy. We can advocate for prioritizing education funding, volunteer as tutors, and share the joy of books. Books have unmatched power to inform, inspire, and expand horizons.

This International Literacy Day, let’s spread awareness about the transformations enabled by literacy. With literacy, people gain autonomy over their lives and shared capacity to enrich the human experience. Literacy empowers us all. is Ireland’s largest part-time course finder database, with thousands of part-time courses, evening, morning and weekend classes and adult education courses to choose from. You’ll find your perfect course on

Steven Galvin

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