Course Description

Advanced Diploma in Immigration and Asylum Law

King’s Inns


Since the mid–1990s Ireland has experienced a ‘sea change’ in the social and policy landscapes in this sector. This has arisen in the context of significant inward migration to this country and an unprecedented inflow of international–protection applications, both from individuals and family groups from all over the world.

A substantial national jurisprudence in the area of asylum and immigration law has developed. This case law deals with the meaning, domestic effect, and application of primary and secondary legislation, statements of policy, the Refugee Convention, the European Convention on Human Rights, and EU law. In the wider European context, there is a large and growing corpus of European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice case law in this important and fast-moving area of law.


This unique Advanced Diploma will provide participants with an overview of the main components of immigration and asylum law in Ireland including practical knowledge of the State’s application processing regimes in this area. It will also address key legal issues regarding the processing of individual immigration, asylum, and visa applications.


The course will appeal to public sector and NGO employees, legal practitioners, academic and government researchers, activists, social workers, industry, policymakers and regulators.

Having a diverse group of professionals studying this course together allows participants to learn from each other, especially during tutorials and Q&A sessions.

Application Deadline: Midnight (Irish time) on Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dublin, Ireland
College Name King’s Inns
Course Category Immigration Law, Law
Course Type Online Learning
Course Qualification Postgraduate Diploma
Course Location Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 1
Course Start Date 9th October 2024
Course End Date 27th March 2025
Course Fee 2,550.00
Course Duration Approx. 20 weeks, one morning a week
Course Times This course takes place primarily in an online format, live via Zoom, with recordings of lectures available after class is over. However, interactive elements such as class discussions/tutorials will not be recorded and will be cast live only. There will be a few opportunities during the academic year to attend live events at King’s Inns, in the form of a round–table discussion and a question and answer session. The course takes place over approx. 20 weeks from October to April, with lectures on Wednesdays from 8.30 am to 10 am. It concludes with an evening live round–table interactive discussion.
Awarding Body The Honorable Society of King's Inns
Title of Awarding Advanced Diploma in Immigration and Asylum Law
Entry Requirements There are no admission requirements for this course. A place on the highly sought–after course is not secured until the tuition fee is received in full. Once payment is received, you are automatically accepted on the course.
Career Path The Diploma will appeal to public sector and NGO employees, legal practitioners, academic and government researchers, activists, social workers, industry, policy–makers and regulators.
For information about King’s Inns, please visit our college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

King’s Inns

King’s Inns, Henrietta Street,, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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