Watch ENQA Webinar: Use of Indicators in Higher Education

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The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) is an umbrella organisation which represents its members at the European level and internationally, especially in political decision making processes and in co-operations with stakeholder organisations.

On the 23rd October 20202, ENQA hosted a webinar which explored the use of indicators in higher education and specifically quality assurance. Participants heard the main findings of a study conducted by the European University Association (EUA) which looked at how indicators are used in rankings, external quality assurance, and funding formulae. ENQA member agencies contributed to the study by responding to a survey on the use of indicators in their external quality assurance activities. This presentation was complemented by responses and case examples from ENQA members and a discussion with speakers and participants on the opportunities and challenges in using indicators.

Programme and speakers – 23 October 2020, 10-11:30 CEST

Key findings from EUA’s report ‘Exploring Higher Education Indicators’
–> Tia Loukkola, Director of Institutional Development at EUA
–> Helene Peterbauer, Policy & Project Officer at EUA

Use of indicators by Nordic quality assurance agencies, with case example from the Danish Accreditation Institution (AI)
–> Steffen Westergård Andersen, Director of Operations at AI

QAA Scotland’s Enhancement Theme ‘Evidence for Enhancement’
–> Ailsa Crum, Director of Membership, Quality Enhancement & Standards at QAA (UK)

Questions and discussion with audience

Moderated by Anna Gover, Senior Project Manager at ENQA

Presentations and Resources

Key findings from EUA’s report ‘Exploring Higher Education Indicators’ by Tia Loukkola

EUA study: Exploring Higher Education Indicators

Calculating quality: an overview of indicators used in external quality assurance of higher education in the Nordics by Steffen Westergård Andersen

AI study: Calculating Quality: An Overview of Indicators used in External Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the Nordics

QAA Scotland’s Enhancement Theme ‘Evidence for Enhancement’ by Ailsa Crum

QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme: Evidence for Enhancement

List of participants

Webinar recording

The webinar recording is available here below and on the ENQA YouTube page.


Gemma is a nomadic writer, filmmaker, & journalist.
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